Maltacourt support the Cargo 200 Initiative

‘Liverpool2’; the new deep water container terminal being developed at Liverpool is aiming to become one of Britain’s busiest ports within the next few years, currently the UKs third busiest box port, handling around 75,000 containers a year, with Southampton was currently second – handling 1.5million a year, with Felixstowe the overriding first; having handled over 70 million TEU since opening in the mid-1960s.

Peel Ports, the entity behind the Liverpool2 project has invested £400 million over the past three years, in efforts to expand the UK’s largest transatlantic port and create one of Europe’s most advanced container terminals.

The investment has not only been restricted to the port, but in tri modal warehousing, distribution facilities along the Manchester Ship canal and the M62 corridor are all part of the project aimed at providing new opportunities to importers and exporters in the North.

As one of the most operationally efficient and modern terminals in Northern Europe, Liverpool is now capable of accommodating the world’s largest container vessels, future-proofing the facility to allow global shippers ‘ship-to-door’ access to major import centres in the UK. Along with the considerable investment by Peel Ports to elevate Liverpool2 to the premier port of choice for importers and exports across the UK, Peel Ports have also launched the Cargo200 Initiative – one that Maltacourt proudly support.

Over 60% of the current cargo that is dropped at the southerly mega ports, the likes of Southampton and Felixstowe, is actually destined for delivery points closer to Liverpool. The Cargo200 Initiative is aimed at shifting that percentage, focused on the immediate impact of reducing congestion, road miles, carbon emissions and the constraints on our rail network. The campaign is aiming to take 200 million miles off our road and rail network by the end of 2020, but in turn, the proposition will help bring cargo closer to end markets and cut the cost of inland transportation – delivering ocean freight closer to destinations in the north, it will considerably improve the utilisation of haulage drivers, as well as enable a more sustainable ‘green’ supply chain. Perhaps most significantly however, Liverpool2 will offer importers and exporters based in the north a more competitive route to international markets – and that can only be good thing for UK businesses.

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