Your Partner for Liverpool 2

Advocates and active supporters of the Cargo 200 initiative; Peel Ports campaign to cut 200 million roads and rail miles by removing congestion from the overutilised Southern ports of Southampton and Felixstowe. Maltacourt were able to visit the state of the art facility at Liverpool 2 and see first hand the benefits of Peel’s £450m of investment that will make Liverpool 2 the UK’s largest transatlantic port and create one of Europe’s most advanced container terminals.

The ability to offer services from such a fantastic facility, enforces our stance as a major partner to Northern business and to be invited to tour Liverpool 2 by Peel Ports, is truly excellent and an experience that further strengthens our teams working knowledge and understanding of this facility, making us better equipped to offer services and support our customer base.”

Adam Williams, Commercial Director Maltacourt UK

As one of the most operationally efficient and modern terminals in Northern Europe, it is capable of accommodating the world’s largest container vessels, future-proofing the facility to allow global shippers ‘ship-to- door’ access to major import centres at the heart of the UK. Significantly, Liverpool2 will offer exporters based in the North a more competitive route to international markets as well as importers a more cost effective route to their door. Maltacourt is proud to be able to include options to and from Liverpool 2 to our repertoire of services and is helping businesses to reduce costs, congestion and carbon emissions in their supply chains by being a your partner of choice for Liverpool 2.

To find out more about what Liverpool 2 could do for you and your business, contact Maltacourt on 08454 989 555.

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